Mission Statement

The Expository Preaching Institute (E.P.I.) is a cross-denominational, non-profit organization that has been created to better equip God’s men who serve in the preaching ministry to produce biblical messages that bring honor to God, exalt the Lord Jesus Christ, and equip the saints to do the ministry. The Institute endeavors to fulfill this mandate first by the prayers and support of the saints who believe in this ministry’s primary goal and focus: equipping pastors to better exposit God’s Word to the glory of God.
E.P.I. will endeavor to equip pastors with electronic theological libraries that will enhance their ability to plumb the depths of God’s Word. The Institute will also provide specific exegetical training that will teach the expositor how to faithfully extract God’s truth according to the authorial intent of the inspired writers of Scripture. A step-by-step study process will be taught to each pastor-teacher that will consistently produce God-centered, Bible-saturated sermons that will impact those whom they shepherd.
E.P.I. will endeavor to partner with expositors by providing helpful software, books, and workbooks. Other teaching supplies will be offered, alongside seminar-based, personal training to equip God’s men to exposit God’s Word faithfully and consistently.
E.P.I. believes the scriptural mandate is clear to those who have been called to preach and teach God’s word: “For necessity is laid upon me. Woe to me if I do not preach the gospel!” (1 Cor. 9:16b). Woe also is the man who does not handle accurately the word of truth, for we are all called to be diligent and to present ourselves “as one approved, a worker who has no need to be ashamed” (2 Tim. 2:15).
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